
Marcel Kolaja

Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja (credits: Gaëlle Lewyllie) Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja Marcel Kolaja [Read More]


We're looking for talented people!

We’re currently hiring for the following positions: PR specialista/specialistka do týmu europoslance a kvestora Evropského parlamentu Marcela Kolaji Marcel Kolaja, pirátský europoslanec a kvestor Evropského parlamentu, hledá do svého týmu odborníka/odbornici na PR komunikaci, který/která by působil(a) v Česku a měl(a) na starosti následující úkoly: Vytváření strategií, vedení, plánování, provedení a průběžné vyhodnocování PR; Dohled nad všemi aspekty a částmi provedení end-to-end od plánu až po vyhodnocení; Úzká spolupráce s ostatními členy týmu, zejména s politickými poradci, grafičkou, správcem účtů na sociálních sítích, lokálním asistentem v Česku a PR týmem delegace Evropských Pirátů; Analýza politických dokumentů ve spolupráci s politickými poradci a jejich přetváření na komunikační obsahy; Rešerše a tvorba mediálních textů pro potřeby externí komunikace v angličtině a v češtině, zejména tiskových zpráv, blog postů a příspěvků na sociální sítě; Příprava podkladů pro rozhovory a veřejné výstupy ve spolupráci s odbornými asistenty; Komunikace a budování vztahů s médii; Spolupráce na informačních kampaních a dalších mediálních aktivitách v Evropském parlamentu i v Česku, případně jinde v Evropě; Spolupráce při přípravě tiskových konferencí; Znalost pay-per-click (PPC) kampaní výhodou. [Read More]

Press kit

Information for press

Press contact Tomáš Polák <> Communications specialist for the delegation of the European Pirates in the European Parliament +420 728 035 059 Bio Short bio Marcel Kolaja—member of the Czech Pirate Party—is a Member and Quaestor of the European parliament. He engages in the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), and the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA), as well as in the delegations for relations with the United States (D-US) and with India (D-IN). [Read More]

Privacy policy

About us To maintain our data, we use Matomo—a free and Open Source web analytics platform. A web analytics platform is used by a website owner in order to measure, collect, analyze, and report visitors data for purposes of understanding and optimizing their website. Personal data administrator identification and contact details: Marcel Kolaja Rue Wiertz 60 B-1047 Brussels Belgium Mail and e-mail is processed by Marcel Kolaja and his team. [Read More]

Council Resolution on Encryption

Dear Sir or Madam, I am contacting you to express my deepest concerns about the envisioned Council Resolution on Encryption[1] that has been published by the Austrian media broadcaster ORF on 3 November 2020.[2] The draft resolution is to call for technical solutions that would allow national authorities to break effective and secure end-to-end encryption on private communications via messaging services. National governments have been asked to submit their input by noon on Thursday, November 12. [Read More]


Co-hosted by Marcel Kolaja

The future of Internet regulation Conference on the E-commerce Directive and the upcoming Digital Services Act When: Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Where: Altiero Spinelli (ASP) 01G3, European Parliament, Brussels In light of the upcoming INI report and the Commission proposal on the Digital Services Act, the event will aim at discussing the current regulatory framework on illegal content and intermediary liability. It will give an opportunity to explore the main challenges and opportunities around content moderation and illegal content on-line. [Read More]


Legislation I work on

Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online Basic information Proposal for a Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online. A contribution from the European Commission to the Leaders’ meeting in Salzburg on September 19–20, 2018. Commission’s original proposal Parliament’s first reading position Status Inter-institutional negotiations (trilogue). My role I am the Opinion Rapporteur for the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) committee. My role is to represent the IMCO committee and its position in the trilogue and in meetings of (shadow) rapporteurs. [Read More]

Parliamentary activities

I am an active Member of the European Parliament

The following parliamentary activities are published on my official web page on the website of the European Parliament: Contributions to plenary debates: Speeches made during the plenary session, including oral explanation of votes, and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Motions for resolutions: Motions for resolutions are tabled on topical issues, at the request of a committee, a political group or at least 5% of the Members, and voted on in plenary. [Read More]


Marcel Kolaja, Member and Quaestor of the European Parliament

Marcel Kolaja has been a member of the Czech Pirate Party since 2010. In 2019, he was elected a Member of the European Parliament and until 2022, he served as Vice-President of the European Parliament. He serves as Quaestor of the Parliament now, who is responsible for overseeing the administrative and financial matters of the institution. Marcel is also 1st Vice-President of the Czech Pirate Party. Marcel graduated from the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno. [Read More]


We are transparent

The Pirates promote transparency in policy making. We lead by example.


Meetings with lobbyists are published on the website of the European Parliament according to the Parliament’s rules: past meetings.

In addition to that, other meetings are published in the transparency register of the Czech Pirate Party.

General Expenditure Allowance

All my expenses from the General Expenditure Allowance are visible on my transparent bank account.